Hedlund, D. P., Fried, G., & Smith R. (2021).Esports Business Management. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
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Hedlund, D. P. (2019, November). A call for more organized esport marketing research. Presented at the 2019 Sport Marketing Association Conference in Chicago, Illinois.
Gerstner, G., & Hedlund, D. P. (2019, November). Tournament structure and participant outcomes: Lessons from the PBA Tour. Presented at the 2019 Southern Economic Association Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Köse, H., Argan, M., & Hedlund, D. P. (2019, April). The influence of perceived fan orientation on satisfaction, loyalty and sport consumption behaviors. Presented at the 2nd International Congress on Recreation and Sport Management in Bodrum, Turkey.
Pack, S., & Hedlund, D. P. (2018, June). Implementation of a formal coach education program: A case study in wheelchair sport. Presented at the 2018 North American Coach Development Summit in Orlando, FL.
Hedlund, D. P., Pedragosa, V., Biscaia, R., Dickson, G., & Naylor, M. (2018, June). Stakeholders in sports: Examining fitness club members. Presented at the 2018 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Naylor, M. E., Ali, J., Hedlund, D. P., Dickson, G., & Biscaia, R. (2017, November). Behavioural Intentions Toward a Sport Sponsor: Evidence from New Zealand. Presented at the 15th Annual Sport Marketing Association (SMA) Conference in Boston, Massachusetts.
Hedlund, D. P., Biscaia, R., & Leal, M. C. (2017, May-June). Conceptualizing and measuring tribal sports fans. Presented at the 2017 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) conference in Denver, Colorado.
Hedlund, D. P., Fletcher, C. A., Pack, S., & Dahlin, S. (2017, May). Proposing the lifetime sport coaching education framework. Presented at the 2017 National Coaching Conference (NCC) in Atlanta, Georgia.
Pack,S., & Hedlund, D. P. (2017, May). Exploring the challenges in recruiting and retaining wheelchair athletes. Presented at the 2017 National Coaching Conference (NCC) in Atlanta, Georgia.
Biscaia,R., Hedlund, D. P., Dickson, G., & Naylor, M. E. (2016, June). Stakeholder salience in professional sport clubs: A perspective based on fans’ self-perception. Presented at the 2016 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) conference in Orlando, Florida.
Hedlund,D. P., Fletcher, C. A., Dahlin, S., & Pack, S. (2016, June). The participation-performance scale: How are coaches balancing winning and playing time across age groups and levels. Presented at the 2016 National Coaching Conference (NCC) in Seattle, Washington.
Hedlund,D. P., Fletcher, C. A., Pack, S., & Dahlin, S. (2016, June). The past, present and future of the education and training of sport coaches. Presented at the 2016 National Coaching Conference (NCC) in Seattle, Washington.
Hedlund,D. P., Fletcher, C. A., & Dahlin, S. (2015, June). Evaluating and improving the “National Standards for Sport Coaches”. Presented at the 2015 National Coaching Conference (NCC) in Morgantown, West Virginia.
Hanson,B, & Hedlund, D. P. (2015, June). Research into the effectiveness of developing sport coaches’ self-awareness using DISC profiling. Presented at the 2015 National Coaching Conference (NCC) in Morgantown, West Virginia.
Fletcher,C. A, & Hedlund, D. P. (2015, June). Exploring and profiling the career path, education and training of sport coaches. Presented at the 2015 National Coaching Conference (NCC) in Morgantown, West Virginia.
Hedlund,D. P., & Fletcher, C. A. (2015, June). Educating and preparing sport coaches within a Sport Management program: The results and implications of the stakeholder survey. Presented at the 2015 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) conference in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Naylor,M. E., Dickson, G., & Hedlund, D. P. (2015, June). The mediating role of resistance to change: Golf club membership renewal. Presented at the 2015 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) conference in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Hedlund,D. P., Hanson, B, & Tingle, J. K. (2014, November). Developing students’ behavioral self-awareness through the use of DISC profiling in sport management and coaching classes. Presented at the 2014 Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ) conference in Melbourne, Australia.
Hedlund,D. P., & Fletcher, C. A. (2014, June). How to improve coaching education: Evaluating evidence from sport coaches based on the National Standards for Sport Coaches (NASPE, 2006). Presented at the 2014 National Coaching Conference (NCC) in Washington, DC.
Hedlund,D. P., & Fletcher, C. A. (2014, May). Reporting on the first year of implementing a sport coaching leadership program: Preparing for and utilizing longitudinal research methods. Presented at the 2014 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) conference in Pittsburgh, PA.
Crayford,B., Jackson, C., Naylor, M. E., & Hedlund, D. P. (2014, May). Sport event website quality: The case of the Rotorua Marathon. Presented at the 2014 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) conference in Pittsburgh, PA.
Hedlund,D. P., & Perricone, D. (2013, October). Measuring sport fans’ sense of community. Presented at the 11th Annual Sport Marketing Association (SMA) Conference in Albuquerque, NM.
Hedlund,D. P., & Naylor, M. E. (2013, September). Back to basics: An exploration of consumer sport merchandise and retailing perceptions. Presented at the 2013 European Association for Sport Management (EASM) conference in Istanbul, Turkey.
Kose,H., Argan, M., & Hedlund, D. P. (2013, September). Motivational factors associates with watching televised sporting events. Presented at the 2013 European Association for Sport Management (EASM) conference in Istanbul, Turkey.
Hedlund,D. P., Naylor, M. E., & Dickson, G. (2013, May). Revisiting team identification: A new conceptualization. Presented at the 2013 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) conference in Austin, Texas.
Naylor,M. E., Hedlund, D. P., & Dickson, G. (2013, May). Team identification revisited: New Zealanders’ connection to the All Blacks. Presented at the 2013 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) conference in Austin, Texas.
Hedlund,D. P. (2012, October). An empirical analysis of the antecedents and consequences of a sport fan consumption community. Presented at the 10th Annual Sport Marketing Association (SMA) conference in Orlando, Florida.
Hedlund,D. P. (2012, September). An empirical model of sport fan consumption communities. Presented at the 20th Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM) conference in Aalborg, Denmark.
Hedlund,D. P. (2012, May). Sport consumption communities: An application of the psychological continuum model. Presented at the 2012 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) conference in Seattle, Washington.
Naylor,M. E., Dickson, G., Phelps, S., Hedlund, D. P. (2012, May). Rugby World Cup 2011: Sponsor memorization. Presented at the 2012 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) conference in Seattle, Washington.
Hedlund,D. P., Naylor, M. E., Alfaro-Barrantes, P., Bogdanov, D., Nguyen, S. N., Lee, J. S., Argan, M., Kose, H., & Samra, B. (2012, April). Reporting on team identification research from around the world: Examining the reliability and validity of the TEAM*ID scale in seven countries. Presented at the 2012 Global Sport Management Summit in Taipei, Taiwan.
Fujimoto,J., Harada, M., Hedlund, D. P., & Sumida, K. (2011, October). Team loyalty and attitude toward spectating behavior: A comparison of consumption-level segmentation models of J. League spectators. Presented at the 9th Annual Sport Marketing Association (SMA) Conference in Houston, Texas.
Hedlund,D. P., & James, J. D. (2011, October). Membership in a Sport Brand Community: Sense of Community and Participation. Presented at the 9th Annual Sport Marketing Association (SMA) conference in Houston, Texas.
Hedlund,D. P., Alfaro-Barrantes, P., Naylor, M. E., Nguyen, S., & Lee, J. S. (2011, June). National identity and Olympic team identity: A cross national study. Presented at the 2011 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) conference in Toronto, Canada.
Hedlund,D. P. (2010, October). The antecedents and consequences of participation in a sport organization’s brand community. Presented at the 8th Annual Sport Marketing Association (SMA) conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Alfaro-Barrantes,P., Hedlund, D. P., Nguyen, S., & James, J. D. (2010, October). Examining national and team identity in the context of the Olympic Games: A cross-national comparison. Presented at the 8th Annual Sport Marketing Association (SMA) conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Naylor,M. E., Alfaro-Barrantes, P., & Hedlund, D. P. (2010, April). National identity and pride: An investigation of individual and sport team medals at the Olympic Games. Presented at the 6th Annual Southern Sport Management Conference in Troy, Alabama.